Reflections on Completing Seminary
I will complete my M.Div in less than...
...wait for it...
...keep waiting...
A little longer...
... ...
... ... ...
SIX weeks.
If you skipped to the answer before reading all the ellipses, you're no fun. And probably a communist.
Your political stances aside, I'm not entirely sure what to think or feel about this finishing of seminary. I'm excited, but a bit scared; relieved, but a bit apprehensive.
I've enjoyed the journey. I started in the fall of '04, just before the last election (the release of Bush version 2.0). We lived in Chicago for a year, Indianapolis for two, and now Grand Rapids for nearly a year and a half. Addison was born in Indy, and though it seems weird, she will forever be a Hoosier. I've been a full-time student, a full-time pastor, a full-time chaplain, a part-time student and a part-time pastor, not necessarily in that order.
In the next step, I'll be a full-time pastor. I've had a great experience so far working with the Evangelical Covenant Church to find a church that's the right fit for us and the church. The right fit hasn't come quite yet, but we've learned a lot from each conversation, each interview, each encounter. I've met great people from a few different search committees who demonstrate hearts for Christ and his church.
Early in the journey, I think my call to ministry suffered from a lack of mystery. I felt such a strong call at such a young age (16) that I just dove in headfirst, and honestly, it didn't always require that much faith. I've always felt pretty safe.

But now, being less than six weeks away from the end of seminary, I don't feel as safe. I'm excited for what God has for us, but we've reached a point where we must rely on faith. There's no other way. And no matter how much we prop up our faith with experiences and reason, it's still scary.
'Cause if there's one thing we know for sure about God (or at least Aslan), it's that he's good.
Not always safe.
But good.
He's the King, I tell you.
It's funny how the old jokes end up finding real meaning...He is good, He is the King, the sun will come up tomorrow (and if it doesn't, it will be because he says so).
Sounds Awesome! I remember the is the begginning...of a great time...
I am re-reading the Narnia Chronicles for about the dozenth time and I always learn something new. Lewis, Tolkien, and George MacDonald were maybe the most important pastoral influences in the first two decades of my life.
Blessings on your impending pastorhood.
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